Monday 3 November 2014

Racism in Western Society

Racism is not a phenomenon of the past, rather it is highly vivid in contemporary Western society.Traditionally, racism means someone of a particular race is treated as less human because of skin colors, place of birth, and cultural values and practices. People, who believe that racism is wiped out from the society, are living in a world far from reality. In fact, people of colors are facing racism in their everyday experiences in all spheres like education, workplace, income, housing and criminal justice system. 

To begin with, Racial minority groups face discrimination in education system. For example, the US Department of Education recently released a report (CRDC 2011-2012) revealing troubling racial disparities in American public schools. It shows that black students are less likely to attend schools offering advanced math and science courses and that they are more likely to be suspended and expelled than their white counterparts. This contributes a lot to their educational failure. 

Workplace is another sector where rampant racism is well documented. Various studies show that people of color are the last hired and the first fired. In America, the majority of unemployed men are black and compared to other races their average income is disproportionately low. According to a report of Bureau of Labor Statistics released in October 2014, the black unemployment rate reaches at 16.1 percent – compared with 8 percent among whites. 

People of colors not only have difficulties finding a job but also have difficulties in getting house. Some landlords do not trust the people of colors and they are reluctant to rent out houses to them. Studies also show that in many cases people of colors face discrimination in securing mortgages .

On top of that Criminal justice system is another important sector where racism is rampant. Visible minorities comprise the majority of inmates in the US prisons. They are even more likely to get severe punishment.

 Based on these evidences, it is fair to say that racism exists vividly in today’s Western society and it is necessary to take actions against racism right now.

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