Wednesday 5 November 2014

Racism and Sexism

Olivia Chow, Published on September 26, 2014 Source : Flickr 

It is now an open secret that Olivia Chow was the victim of both racism and sexism during her campaign for mayoral election in the city of Toronto.

In reaction to a cartoon published in the Toronto Sun Chow expressed her frustration on CP24 where she included, “Because I am Chinese-Canadian, I must be a communist and have slanted eyes and glasses- and since I am a woman, I must be inferior and therefore not good enough for the job of the mayor so I must rely on my deceased husband so it is both racist and sexist.”

In the social media Chow was also highly targeted for bullying since she started her campaign. Chow also mentioned that she got the same kind of reaction in 1980’s when she became a school board trustee and she was highly shocked that those stereotypes were still dominant in this society.

Various Studies have found that women and minorities are more likely to be attacked on their communication skills in terms of their personal characteristics rather than their experience or quality of works or ideas.Though chow possessed a very sound political carrier, it was not counted much in many people’s thoughts. Rather they questioned her personal traits and immigrant background.

I think, Olivia chow being neither a white, nor a man, was harshly judged than her fellow mayoral candidates. And the criticisms she faced during her whole campaign delivers the discouraging message that people in Toronto are not ready yet to accept someone in their elected office who is a minority and at the same time who is a woman. Olivia chow case brings up the issue forward that hatred and sexism are not long past, these are highly visible in today’s society.

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